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14 Gloucester Gate, London NW1 4HG, UK

SKOLA's English Summer School at Gloucester Gate by Regent's Park, London is perfect for younger students taking their first steps in English. Students develop their English in the morning and have a hot lunch in the on-site canteen. In the afternoon students continue learning English through art, music, drama and sport. They visit the best sights and museums in London once a week and can join the Discover England excursion on Saturday if a parent accompanies them on the trip.

Celková cena
2 týdny - £1,240
3 týdny - £1,859
Regent's University, Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS, UK

SKOLA's English Summer School at Regent's University inside Regent's Park, London is perfect for students looking to learn English and discover other cultures. Students develop their English in the morning and have a hot lunch in the on-site canteen. In the afternoon students have fun playing sports in Regent's Park or artistic activities. They visit the best sights and museums in London two times per week and end with presentations and a party. The 6-day course includes a full-day Discover England excursion on Saturday.

Celková cena
2 týdny - £2,040
3 týdny - £3,060